Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 29 - Departures and Sunsets

Today was Daniel's last day on the island.
My initial plan for the trip was for two-months completely on my own. Needless to say, it only took me a few days of planning to realize that this really wasn't feasible (I may not be an extrovert... but I need my people!). When I sent out the initial invitations, Daniel was one of only two people who actually expressed any interest in joining me. In the end, he was the only one to actually make the trip. I'm glad he did. It only took one evening alone on the beach after sunset for me to realize that I appreciate company when in situations where I can easily freak myself out. Beaches, as lovely as they are, can be absolutely creepy when empty and dark. I'm glad that I had a friend to drag along with me for the post-sunset beach walks and photo adventures.

We figured he needed to get back in to the Atlantic before he left. Unfortunately, the thermometer was sitting at about 10-degrees or so, drizzle was falling, a cool north wind was blowing, and there were one to two-foot breakers hitting the shore. Perfect weather for some beach walking, bird chasing, and ocean-wading.

Nothing like wading in the ocean in weather like that. Felt all manly until the first wave hit, at which point our Tim-"The Toolman"-Taylor-grunts turned in to something resembling the screams of tween girls at a concert.

After a last drive along the cliffs of Cavendish out to Rustico, Daniel packed up his stuff and we headed out to the airport. After dropping him off, I rushed out to the end of the runway and caught his plane on take-off.

And it just so happened that his 6:45PM departure aligned perfectly with the sunset. Haven't seen one like this yet on this trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have laughed out loud at many of your descriptions but the best is accompanying these manly photos in the cold water!!! Also I have loved so many shots but this last one at sunset took my breath away!!! Oh ya!!! Love you, Mom