Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 8 - Toronto to Ottawa

Pulled in to Oakville (metro-Toronto) to visit my Aunt and Uncle. The visit was most enjoyable, though it occured to me only after I left that I forgot to get photos of their awesome awesome cats: Alvin and Theodore. Alvin is fat; That's his thing. When my sister visited, he sat on her luggage and left a dent in it. Theodore, on the other hand, is active and playful. Both are fun to have around, but Theodore definitely has the upper hand when it comes to drawing attention to himself. A ball in a circular track is his primary method for demonstrating his dexterity and talent. First he may bat at it with his right paw, getting it up to near astronomical speeds before stopping it and sending it around in the opposite directions with his left paw. Ambidexterity is impressive and all, but he really starts to shine when he lays on his back, paws draped lazily over his head, and proceeds to repeat the game upside down with similar ease and skill. I plan to stop by on the way back. I promise photo documentation.

The drive from Toronto to Ottawa was not particularly noteworthy. It was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I think I was too travel-weary to really appreciate it as it deserves. I did stop along the Thousand Island Parkway to take a few photos though. Those will have to do for today's visual reference.

My future ship:

My future home (built on an island not much larger than itself):

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