Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 35 - The Cabot Trail

Took two days to do Cape Breton's Cabot Trail, a loop through what has to be one of Canada's top natural wonders. For my Albertan friends, I would compare The Cape to the Rockies with the Atlantic ocean in place of the foothills. It's quite an adventure driving around the island, perched on narrow roads winding through switchbacks that seem like they'll never end; That is until that last switch brings you over the top of the mountain and leaves you looking 300m down a mind-bogglingly steep valley. I don't have any photos from the top... I was too busy screaming in terror. The guardrails did little to dissuade the utterance of certain words that mom would've slapped me for if she had been in the car with me.

Don't get me wrong though, it really was beautiful though. These are some of the shots from around the trail and near the end of the day along the Bras d'Or Lake near Baddeck, home of Alexander Graham Bell (most awesome inventor ever).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should try and sell that photo with your car in it to Honda, it's awesome!